Geek Bobbage – All things Geekery

  • My Top 5 Horus Heresy Books (June-23)

    Discover the epic saga of betrayal, war, and heroism that shaped the Warhammer 40,000 universe with my top 5 picks from the Horus Heresy series. Perfect for both newcomers and seasoned fans alike. The Horus Heresy series is a cornerstone of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, chronicling the tragic events that led to the galaxy-wide conflict…

  • Magician: The Timeless Fantasy Classic That Every Fan Needs to Experience

    Magician: The Timeless Fantasy Classic That Every Fan Needs to Experience

    Embark on a journey through the world of Midkemia, where magic, adventure, and unforgettable characters await in Raymond E. Feist’s seminal work, Magician. In the realm of fantasy literature, there are few books that have captured the hearts and minds of readers quite like Raymond E. Feist’s Magician. First published in 1982, this epic fantasy…

  • The Importance of Cities: Skylines in the City-Builder Genre

    The Importance of Cities: Skylines in the City-Builder Genre

    City-building games have been a popular genre for decades, with classics like SimCity paving the way for more intricate and engaging experiences. Among these, Cities: Skylines stands out as a true masterpiece, capturing the hearts of city-builder enthusiasts and newcomers alike. In this comprehensive article, we will discuss the significance of Cities: Skylines to the…

  • A Love Letter to Battle Brothers: Engaging, Fun, and Frustrating

    A Love Letter to Battle Brothers: Engaging, Fun, and Frustrating

    Battle Brothers, the gritty tactical RPG from Overhype Studios, is a cult classic that kick-started the ‘mercenary’ genre. As a love letter to the game, we’ll dive deep into the world of Battle Brothers, exploring its captivating gameplay, the frustrations of mastering its steep learning curve, and the thrill of overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds. It’s…

  • Unravelling the Enchanting Saga: The Legend of Drizzt Series

    Unravelling the Enchanting Saga: The Legend of Drizzt Series

    Dive into the mystical and beguiling realms of the Forgotten Realms with the “Legend of Drizzt” series. This captivating series by renowned author R.A. Salvatore has forever carved its place in the annals of fantasy literature. This article explores the compelling narrative, complex characters, and the expansive universe of the Legend of Drizzt series that…

  • The Pioneering Role of Baldur’s Gate in Shaping the Future of CRPGs

    The Pioneering Role of Baldur’s Gate in Shaping the Future of CRPGs

    In 1998, BioWare’s Baldur’s Gate transformed the landscape of computer role-playing games, introducing character-driven narratives, intricate side quests, and the strategic depth of Dungeons & Dragons to a digital platform. Its memorable characters, from Minsc and Boo to the sardonic thief Imoen, demonstrated the power of complex NPC interactions in enhancing game immersion. The game’s…

  • Immersing Ourselves in the Epic Saga of Gotrek & Felix: A Journey through Warhammer Fantasy’s Rich World and Characters

    Immersing Ourselves in the Epic Saga of Gotrek & Felix: A Journey through Warhammer Fantasy’s Rich World and Characters

    Explore the enthralling Gotrek and Felix novels set in the Warhammer Fantasy universe, as we uncover the nuances of the characters and the depth of world-building.

  • Da 5 Bestest Black Library Books ‘Bout Orks: Green Mayhem Unleashed, WAAAGH!

    Da 5 Bestest Black Library Books ‘Bout Orks: Green Mayhem Unleashed, WAAAGH!

    The Thrilling World of Ork Novels In the vast and diverse landscape of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, few things are as captivating as witnessing a horde of Orks charging into battle, bellowing “WAAAGH!” at the top of their lungs. These fearsome greenskins, with their distinctive language and penchant for destruction, have made their mark on…

  • Exploring the Works of Bernard Cornwell: Top 10 Books by the Master of Historical Fiction

    Exploring the Works of Bernard Cornwell: Top 10 Books by the Master of Historical Fiction

    Embark on an unforgettable journey through time with Bernard Cornwell, a master of historical fiction. Explore the diverse range of his works, from the thrilling adventures of Richard Sharpe during the Napoleonic Wars to the gripping tales of Uhtred of Bebbanburg in Saxon England. Discover the top 10 books by Cornwell that showcase his talent…

  • My Top 5 Favourite Horus Heresy Books

    With the Horus Heresy series finally finished at a grand total of 54 books, I thought I’d have a quick look back at my top 5 favourites. It wasn’t easy choosing but I’ve narrowed it down and kept it to only one per author. Here they are in chronological order. Book 4: The Flight of…

Got any book recommendations?